Leading practices for advanced Supply Chain companies
Companies which operate in an advanced supply chain
mode have already realized a consistent, internally and
externally integrated supply chain. They act as an internal
chain, and also as an external chain element towards
suppliers, and towards customers.
In order to control their operations along the chain, they
are using a sophisticated set of IT enablers which provide
transparency, support decisions, and have automated
large parts of their planning.
As a result, they have smoothly running regular operations,
and therefore can focus their energy on the occasional
extraordinary situation - deviations in volumes, short term
customer orders, and short term disturbances on the
supply side.
All these sophisticated tools and enablers require a solid
foundation - in data integrity, transparency, controls,
speed, reliability, and flexibility of operations. Click here to
learn more about the foundations.
Please contact us if you want to learn more on how these
tools can improve your operations, and what the
preconditions are to operate these systems.