Integrated order management is the
“Spider” in the internal web
There are three main components
of supply chain excellence:
Demand management,
integrated order management,
and delivery / order status
Demand management tries to
deliver information on the future
state, and allows to order long
lead time items as well as to
prepare the capacity profiles. But,
of course, this is only preparation
for the real orders
The order management function is
the real backbone of actual
operations. Orders are coming in,
and need to be matched with
inventories or production
capacities. And, of course,
available materials.
For an integrated solution design,
a supply chain concept with
supply-, manufacturing-, and
delivery classes need to be
defined. This enables that the
organization is prepared to match
a certain type of order to a
specified, particular execution
type. The assignment of the
execution type is done by order
In order to commit time and
volume to an incoming order, and
to follow up on the actual situation
of manfacturing progress, and
shipment progress, the order
management function needs to
have all relevant information on
hand, which can be seen as a
spider web structure in the IT
Please contact us if you would like
to see for your company how this
spider web should be composed
in the information driven world.