True performance excellence in the supply chain:
the result of bringing three different types of
excellences to work integratively together
In our observation, companies often focus their
improvement initiatives on specific problem
areas, in order to overcome this problem. But -
this leads in most cases to a performance
increase in one area, but does not really
leverage the full potential of the newly
implemented solution. Or, even worse, it
sometimes leads to suboptimal operational
performance in other areas
We have seen that successful companies push
for balanced, integrative solutions which
address the different types of needs, and value
contributions, in the entire value chain. Based
on these insights, we have developed a
systematic way to help companies to improve
their supply chain in a high-impact, sustainable
The concept builds on separating three
different types of excellences, which need to
be brought into context to unfold the true
performance improvement impact. By
separating these three types, we can
systematically work on each to enhance the
level of excellence by addressing the excactly
right spots for improvement.
Functional Excellence is the foundation of
running proper operations. This dimension
addresses the working performance in each
department, and in each process and
transaction. The chain is only as powerful as its
weakest link - therefore every department
involved in the information, order, material,
and financial flows needs to be very good in
what they do. Focus is on execution quality,
speed, flexibility, and relability.
Horizontal Excellence describes the dimension
of creating the flow across functions and
departments. This is the prerequisite for smooth
and fast processes to make and distribute
products and services. This is the almost
“traditional” view of the chain, looking in an
end-to-end fashion from supplier to customer
(or even deep into the supply side, and down
over the chain to the final consumer). Focus is
on the throughput speed, the effectiveness
and efficiency of flows, flexibility and reliability
of processes.
Vertical Excellence addresses the cross-
functional collaboration in the product
definition, manufacturing preparation,
distribution design, sales channel/partner
selection, or supplier selection processes. Focus
is on creating the right conditions for product
quality, product cost, production effectiveness
and efficiency, flexibility and reliability of the
entire chain, and to define all requirements
and requisites for high-performing flows.
In our service offerings, we identify how to shape your
current operations towards a better balance of value
contributions, to systematically enhance performance
Identification of strengths and weaknesses in all areas
of the supply chain operations
Root cause, and impact analysis on reasons for
strengths - and how to even more leverage on them
Root cause, and impact analysis on the weaknesses, in
order to identify which type of improvement is required
Systematically linking performance shortfalls to the
three dimensions of excellence, and the related
improvement needs (type of improvement, quality and
performance level of future state operations)
Defining the required mix of excellences, if necessary,
for individual supply chain types (e.g. spare parts vs
new products; high volume production vs specialty /
customized production)
Identifying potentials and required practices for
improving internal and external collaboration (internal
functions, customers, suppliers, partners)
Re-Adjust the “Balance of Powers” to achieve
maximum value-adding impact from all participantes
Identify areas and opportunities for targeted
outsourcing and partnering to build on super-strength
of high-performing providers
Define measures and enablers for enhancing agility
and resilience of operations along the end-to-end
supply chain